Diversified Termite will send out a termite specialist who understands the insect’s behavior. Those specialists will inspect your home for the location of the termites and evaluate actual termite damage. We’ll explain the finding to you and make you aware of all your options. Our fully-licensed and trained pest control experts will perform a thorough free inspection of your property. We will determine the extent of an infestation, assess damage, answer any questions you may have, and provide a quote for services.
We choose our products for both their effectiveness and their level of environmental friendliness. We highly value the health of our communities, your family, and the environment. We are here to effectively exterminate termites once and for all. Our company provides the most advanced termite control services in Orange County and we can ensure the end of your problem. Diversified Termite understands the impact termites can have on your assets or business. Our key philosophy is reducing your distress as fast as possible with our advanced termite control services. Termites can damage properties and If not dealt with immediately, reparation can be costly.
Rest assured our termite inspectors are here to help and produce successful termite free results. For advanced termite control in Orange Co., Diversified Termite should be your first point of contact. We are on call to provide you with prompt service. Your problem is now in our hands. Our skillful team is efficient and professional with extensive termite experience. Diversified Termite guarantees complete termite control and ultimate customer satisfaction within a short amount of time.
Do you Think you Have Termites?
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Office: 714-998-8635
Lic. #OPR12611
Termite Treatments
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Contact Us
Phone: 714-998-8635
2326 N. Batavia St. S103
Orange, CA 92865